Charitable Status

The MGHP is registered as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO - 016-183) and a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO - 13/00/00/723).  Our Board of Directors ensures we remain on track, both in terms of our constitutional mandate and careful use of sponsor donations. Financial reports are prepared annually by Elsa Taylor and Associates and you are welcome to request a copy of our latest financial report. 

South African Donors


The Mabula Ground Hornbill Project (MGHP) is a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO ref 13/00/00/723), which means that bona fide donations made in cash or property in kind to the MGHP by South African taxpayers, whether companies or individuals, are entitled to a deduction from taxable income.

The benefits of supporting the MGHP are therefore two-fold;

Corporate Responsibility in supporting one of South Africa’s leading avian conservation programmes
Qualification for a Section 18A receipt from the MGHP, which will allow contributors to claim any applicable tax relief.

Should you still have unallocated funds left in your budget and would like to take advantage of this potential tax benefit, please consider making a financial donation before the end of your tax year.

Note: A donation qualifying for a tax exemption is a gratuitous disposal by the donor out of liberality or generosity, under which the donee is enriched and the donor impoverished. It is a voluntary gift which is freely given to the donee. There must be no quid pro quo, no reciprocal obligations and no personal benefit for the donor. If the donee gives any consideration at all it is not a donation.

Section 30(3)(b)(v) provides that an approved PBO may not accept donations which are subject to conditions that could enable the donor or any connected person in relation to the donor to derive some direct or indirect benefit from the application of the donation. The donation may also, subject to limited exceptions, not be revocable by the donor.

If you require any further assistance or have any questions please do not hesitate to email

EFT/Direct Deposits

Acc Name: Mabula Ground Hornbill Project
Bank: First National Bank
Branch code: 260347
Account no: 62071001912