BirdLife Species Guardian
In response to the rapidly increasing threat of bird extinctions, BirdLife International has launched the BirdLife Preventing Extinctions Programme (PEP). Two important communities form the heart of the programme. These are the Species Guardians and the Species Champions. BirdLife Species Guardians are individuals or organisations that take responsibility for the conservation action, whereas BirdLife Species Champions are companies, organisations, or individuals who financially support the prevention of extinction of a globally threatened bird species. Aligned with the four focal areas of BirdLife International, PEP protects globally threatened species from extinction, delivers the site and habitat conservation and engage with and empower people.
The Mabula Ground Hornbill Project registered as the BirdLife South Africa Species Guardian for the conservation of the Southern ground-hornbill, under the BirdLife International Preventing Extinctions Programme (PEP), during October 2012. As the Species Guardian, the Mabula Ground Hornbill Project is responsible for fulfilling their role within the Southern Ground-hornbill Species Recovery Plan which covers research, direct conservation actions and continued education and awareness – but now with the full support of the BirdLife family. BirdLife South Africa is thrilled to have the Mabula Ground Hornbill project on board.
We are looking for a formal Species Champion(s) for the Mabula Ground Hornbill Project and thus urge interested companies, or individuals, to contact Dr Hanneline Smit-Robinson at conservation@birdlife.org.za ; or Dr Lucy Kemp project@ground-hornbill.org.za
For more information on signing up as a Species Champion, visit http://www.birdlife.org/worldwide/projects/species-guardians